Barcelona Food Appreciation

Hello, friends! I took a ton of pictures in Barcelona, including many pictures of food. I felt like such a tourist, but it’s for the blog, so it’s okay! I absolutely loved the food in Barcelona. There was not one place we visited that wasn’t absolutely delicious. I definitely recommend the Paella (of any kind) and the sausage and beans, if you ever find yourself trying Catalonian cuisine. Check it out!

Calamari with curry mustard and mixed paella


“I eat bread every day”

Views from a local food market


Cappuccinos at Costa Coffee

How beautiful!


Sausage and white beans


Lobster pasta


Lunch at a Korean restaurant


Chicken in cheese sauce and baked apples IMG_6097

Bonus picture!

Look at this magazine I found on the plane! What a perfect picture for the Love Ling family.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

I hope you enjoyed this post! I know it was short, but sometimes pictures of food are all you need. 🙂 Have an awesome day, you guys!

-Love Ling

Barcelona: Day 2 & 3

Hello, friends! Continuing with this travel journal, I would like to share with you the rest of our travels in Barcelona, Spain. Here’s some of the high lights…

Day 2 

For Breakfast…

  We started off our day with my  favorite breakfast in the world: a pastry and a cappuccino. Usually at home, I eat a huge breakfast, but somehow this is enough to power me through the morning. This tasty meal was enjoyed outside of La Catedral, which offered a ton of people watching and the chill morning vibe of Barca.


“It’s all ruined”…

Following breakfast, we bought tickets to go tour the underground ruins of the old city of Barcelona. It was awesome! It was so crazy to think that all of these walls and stones were once an established city with customs and cultures similar to ours today, such as laundry services and spas. If you ever get a chance to take  tour of this museum, do it! It’s awesome and one of the biggest collections of ruins in Europe.


Before wandering out to lunch, we stopped in this cute little courtyard to take some pictures. The picture below would be me having a tourist moment. 🙂


Lunch time…

For lunch, we grabbed some delicious empanadas and ate them on the steps of some unknown building. It was awesome!


Strut like you mean it…

After lunch, we wandered a bit more, trying to find the Picasso museum. We actually stumbled upon this gorgeous little street that we discovered was one of the locations for Cheetah Girls 2 filming! Do you remember the song “Strut”? It was filmed right here.


La Rambla…

That evening we got dinner at the evening hot spot of Barcelona, La Rambla. This street is so cool! There’s stores, food, street artists, music- everything you need for an awesome night!


Day 3

On day three of Barcelona, our two goals were to go to the Picasso museum and La Sagrada Familia. All of this summed up to a 9.3 miles of walking! With all of this walking, here’s what we saw…


The morning got off to a great start with the Picasso museum. I loved it! It was really interesting to see his evolution as a painter. The museum was huge and featured his works from different periods of his life, from when he was a student to an established artist. I actually liked his older paintings better, before he developed his own style. I think this was one of my favorite things that we did in Barcelona. Picasso is truly a genius.


Sagrada Familia… 

We took a short rest at the hotel before venturing out to Sagrada Familia, Barcelona’s most famous church. It’s been hundreds of years and the church isn’t completed it! The architect, Gaudi, died before he saw it finished and Barcelona is still in the process of building this mass (no pun intended) of a cathedral! I’ve got to be honest. La Sagrada Familia is must see in Barcelona, but it wasn’t necessarily my favorite stop on our trip. Being there felt kind of like being at Disney World, with enormous lines, and thousands of tourists working their way around the inside of the church, snapping pictures. While the church is beautiful, I prefer visiting cathedrals that are less crowded and less of a tourist spot.



I’m really grateful for the experience of coming to Barcelona. The city is beautiful and I absolutely love the culture, especially the food! I hope you’ve enjoyed the “Travel-Ling” series so far and I will see you guys in Milan!

-Love Ling

Barcelona: Day 1

Hello, friends! Welcome to my first post on my new travel series, “Travel-Ling”. The first stop on this European journey was in the beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain.

Barcelona. The land of Gaudi, tapas, and Cheetah Girls 2, among many other claims to fame. My family and I spent three days in this city, walking over 20 miles in total! There’s so much to explore in Barca, it would take weeks to see it all. We did, however, get to hit a lot of the main sights…

Whenever my family explores a new city, we love to take a bike tour. This is the best way to get introduced to a new place, without the stress of taking a big group walking tour. Our tour guide was super chill and told us some cool information about Barcelona, like how the four red stripes on the flag represents the blood of one of their late leaders and that the Eiffel Tower was originally planned to be there. Some of the sights we saw included La Sagrada Familia, La Parque de Ciutadella, and the Arc de Triumph. The tour was definitely a work out, but I enjoyed biking around the city!

(**Check out Fat Bike Tours in Barcelona for more info!)


Later that day, we explored Barcelona and walked around a bit. I am completely obsessed with the architecture of the city, with the tall, beautiful buildings and cobble-stone streets. Barcelona is definitely artsy and proud of its culture, which is reflected throughout the city. I could not stop taking pictures of the pretty windows that lined the streets. I wanted to take pictures and paint everything!

Before dinner that night, we walked into La Catedral, one of Barcelona’s main cathedrals that was situated right near our hotel. I would have to say that La Catedral is a must-see in Barcelona. It was dedicated to a thirteen- year old girl, St. Eulalia who suffered thirteen tortures out of refusal to renounce her Christian faith. She was later martyred at the end of her tortures, and La Catedral serves as a monument to her and to the Christian faith itself. This cathedral was absolutely beautiful with its gothic architecture (my fave!) and stained glass windows. We even got to take the elevator to the rooftop of the church for some wicked Barcelona views. For you tourists out there, the cathedral is free to go into, but it’s three euro for the trip up to the top. For me, it was totally worth it.



Those were some of the main high lights of Day 1 in Barcelona! I hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for my next post!

-Love Ling